Watershed Organization Research

Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB)
Website: https://www.potomacriver.org/

History of Organization

·        Authorized in 1940 as an advisory, non-regulatory interstate compact agency of the Potomac basin states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

·        Formed in response to extreme pollution levels that required a regional, cooperative response by all the jurisdictions. In 1970, amendments to the compact empowered ICPRB to address not just pollution issues, but water resources and related land issues by two or more jurisdictions.

ICPRB-July 1940


The mission of ICPRB is to protect and enhance the waters and related resources of the Potomac River basin through science, regional cooperation, and education. They believe that considered the “Nation’s River,” for more than six million basin residents, the river plays an important role in the lives of all. Through regional cooperation and partnerships, ICPRB is protecting the river and improving the quality of life in the watershed.

Through this link you can find the Potomac Timeline exploring the milestones of the past 75 years on the Potomac River basin. From pollution to policy, ICPRB was there every step of the way. 


Potomac River 

The ICPRB works with its partners to leverage efforts to address the shared responsibilities of the basin jurisdictions. This brings a cooperative approach to meeting the basin’s major challenges, including water quality impairments, water supply, groundwater use, and sources of pollution. The Commission works with federal, state, academic, and private organizations to forward these goals with greater efficiency.


Focus Areas

  •  Drinking Water and Water Resources
  •  Water Quality
  • Aquatic Life
  •  Communication & Education

Water Resources

  • · Ensure the reliability of major water supply systems in the metropolitan area during droughts and assess the current and future adequacy and safety of the region’s drinking water supply through the ICPRB Section for Cooperative Water Supply Operations on the Potomac (CO-OP).
  • Assist federal, state, and local agencies with their water resources programs.
  • Safeguard sources of drinking water for basin residents.


Water Quality

  • Conduct studies and write reports to assist decision-making by the basin states and stimulate federal and state actions to improve water quality.
  • Perform Total Maximum Daily Load and watershed action plans that guide restoration of streams and rivers.


Aquatic Life

  • Conduct studies that assist management actions to achieve ecologically healthy aquatic communities.
  • Restoration of aquatic species and habitats.



  • Use electronic and print media tools to educate and inform the public on basin water quality, and resource issues, and ICPRB and basin state efforts to address them
  • Conduct outreach and education programs for teachers, students, watershed groups, homeowners, and other stakeholders to foster active stewardship and involvement in use and protection of the basin’s waters.



The ICPRB believes that complementing the commissioners is a professional staff that has gained a reputation for delivery of sound science and analysis that provides decision-makers at various government levels with the facts and technical data to resolve issues concerning water quality and resources. In general, this organization has 20 staff who divided into 5 units including administration, drinking water and water resources, water quality, aquatic life and communications and education. 


Long-term planning

The ICPRB is working on a Comprehensive Plan providing a roadmap to achieving their shared vision that the Potomac River basin will serve as a national model for water resources management that fulfills human and ecological needs for current and future generations. The Plan focuses on sustainable water resources management that provides the water quantity and quality needed for the protection and enhancement of public health, the environment, all sectors of the economy, and quality of life in the basin. The Plan is based on the best available science and data. The Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin will serve as the catalyst for the Plan’s implementation through an adaptive process in collaboration with partner agencies, institutions, organizations, and the public.





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